MIT Sustainability Summit 2023: Agenda

4.28.23 >> MIT Samberg Center

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  • Help us quantify our scope three emissions by answering our transportation survey that describes how you arrived at the event!

  • Meet the Summit Team!


  • What are well-designed carbon markets intended to achieve and how do they reach their full potential?

    Provide an overview and achieve a common understanding of carbon markets and their potential impact on climate change mitigation. Identify and discuss the complexities, uncertainties, and potentials of carbon markets, including their intentions, historical development, challenges going forward, and ways to increase their future effectiveness and impact.

    Christian Hofer | Vice Chair, the Board of the Environmental Markets Association (EMA)

    Noah Deich | Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Carbon Management, Department of Energy

    Moderator: Alex Prather

  • What are the different carbon offset and removal methods?

    Provide a framework for the diverse spectrum of carbon offset and removal methods. Explore a range of nature-based and technology-driven solutions for avoiding and reducing future emissions, as well as removing carbon from the atmosphere, to understand their differences and potentials.

    OneShot Earth


  • This session will provide an understanding of the differences and similarities between voluntary and compliance carbon markets, and different challenges facing each model. Our panelists will discuss successful models in the US and abroad, as well as the policy and industry trends driving these changes. Additionally, we’ll explore how both types of markets can coexist and how they can simultaneously succeed.

    Moderator: Ely Sandler | Incoming Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School

    Suzi Kerr | Senior Vice President, Chief Economist, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)

    Jonathan Schuldenfrei | Deloitte

    Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins | Assistant Professor of Economics, Vanderbilt University

  • Provide insights into consumer behavior around carbon neutrality. Is there growing consumer demand for personal offsetting and carbon neutral products? What are the key barriers that must be overcome to maximize the impact of consumer demand? How do these consumer behavior trends influence companies and their thinking about carbon reduction and carbon neutrality, reporting, and certification? Landscape various ways consumers can track their own carbon footprint and companies that are putting carbon neutrality at the forefront of their products as a result of shift in consumer behavior.

    Moderator: Austin Whitman | CEO and Co-Founder, Climate Neutral

    Nina Birger | Vice President of Climate Solutions, CHOOOSE

    Gihan Amarasiriwardena | President & Co-Founder, Ministry of Supply

    Brigitte Saint-Pierre | Director, Environmental Strategic Initiatives, Air Canada

    Sophie Janaskie | Carbon Strategy Manager, Commons

  • In this session, we will hear from corporate leaders on what net-zero or carbon neutrality means today and the actionable steps they’ve been taking to measure, reduce, and compensate for their carbon footprints. A variety of industries will be represented, including technology, finance, and consulting.

    Tracey Cameron | Director, Corporate Climate Engagement

    Phillip Goodman | Director, Carbon Removal Portfolio

    Cate Hight | Expert Partner, Bain & Company

    Moderator: Jason Jay | Director, Sustainability Initiative at MIT


  • How can standards and market infrastructure truly ensure integrity and drive quality?

    Introduction to discussion around quality and standards by Angela Chen, Research Scientist (Carbon Markets), MIT Sloan Aggregate Confusion Project.

    This session will be a conversation around quality, incentives, and MRV (measurement, reporting, & verification) within both voluntary and compliance markets. It will focus on key questions about the definition of quality and its different dimensions (additionality, durability, etc) along with governance and policy requirements to maintain high integrity and raise crediting standards.

    Angela Chen | Research Scientist (Carbon Markets), MIT Sloan Aggregate Confusion Project

    Raymond Song | Climate Intelligence Associate, Rocky Mountain Institute

    Joanna Klitzke | Strategy & Operations, Stripe

    Owen Hewlett | CTO, The Gold Standard Foundation

    Moderator: Lauren Frisch | Climate Trust Lead, Patch

  • Learn more about the work Context Labs is doing to enable data-driven decarbonization solutions.

    Chris Berry | Head of CLEAR Path, Context Labs

  • Learn from this year’s MIT Sustainability Summit Operations team how they approached making this summit carbon-neutral.

    Zach Sternberg | Co-Director of Operations

    Alexa Katz | Co-Director for Operations


  • This keynote will speak to the advancement of carbon markets through the lens of project developer Hassan Sachedina, former founder of Biocarbon partners and now CEO and founder of Sayari Earth. Through his expertise in developing leading REDD+ projects across Africa and identifying blue carbon opportunities across small island developing states, Hassan brings institutional knowledge on attributes of successful carbon projects as well as learnings that can be applied beyond nature-based solutions and into tech-enabled solutions and innovations.

    Hassan Sachedina | CEO and Founder, Sayari Earth; Founder and former CEO, Biocarbon Partners

  • How can carbon dioxide removal (CDR) get to scale?

    Technical approaches to carbon removal are essential to achieving climate goals yet most of these solutions are nascent and require rapid scale-up. During this session, we will explore the technical, commercial and infrastructure challenges that CEOs are facing and how they are solving for those.

    Shashank Samala | CEO, Heirloom

    Adam Wolf | CEO, Eion Carbon

    Moderator: Anu Khan | Deputy Director of Science and Innovation, Carbon 180

    Einar Tyssen | CEO, Removr

  • This session will explore the role that nature plays in bolstering carbon removal efforts, current barriers to scaling these solutions, and the viability of implementing newer NBS opportunities. Furthermore, many of the countries that are best positioned to host these projects are emerging markets; how should project developers navigate working in these markets? What does a strong investment-enabling environment look like, and is there a duty to ensure that these projects prioritize supporting the sustainable development within these countries?

    Sarah Edwards | Investment Director, Sustainable Investing, Cambridge Associates

    Whitney Johnston | Director of Ocean Sustainability, Salesforce

    Spencer Meyer | Head of Science, NCX

  • From CDR solutions to marketplaces, the most cutting-edge solutions in the making

    Understand which are the cutting edge solutions and innovations going on in carbon markets today. The segment will showcase 5-min pitches from different entrepreneurs in explaining their startup ideas over different solution verticals, including: nature-based solutions, CO2 removal solutions, MRV solutions (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification), carbon accounting, and ecosystem enablers, accelerators, and marketplaces. The showcase will include companies from Seed to Series A stage.

    Intro: Max Zeller | Carbon Removal Partners

    Cindy McLaughlin | Head of Product, Carbon Built

    Chris Tolles | CEO and Co-Founder, Yard Stick

    Ines Serra Baucells | CEO & Founder, Biosorra

    Marty Odlin | CEO, Running Tide

    Peter McHale | CEO and Co-Founder, Gaia AI

    Yaniv Altshuler | CEO and Co-Founder,

    Jason Grillo | Airminers

  • From CDR solutions to marketplaces, the solutions you need to know.

    Join as at the MIT Museum to an evening that aims to help founders from a variety of pre-seed startups in the carbon markets space make connections, help students and industry leaders continue to understand the opportunities in carbon markets, and helps investors and VCs connect with these additional opportunities. We will be highlighting selected startups, their founders and proposals across different screens in the Museum!

    Purchase tickets for Night at the Museum only here


  • Christian Hofer

    Vice Chair, the Board of the Environmental Markets Association (EMA)

  • Noah Deich

    Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Carbon Management, Department of Energy

  • Alex Prather

    MBA/MPA at MIT & Harvard

  • Ely Sandler

    Incoming Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School

  • Suzi Kerr

    Senior Vice President, Chief Economist, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)

  • Jonathan Schuldenfrei


  • Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins

    Assistant Professor of Economics, Vanderbilt University

  • Austin Whitman

    CEO, Climate Neutral

  • Nina Birger

    VP of Climate Solutions, Chooose

  • Gihan Amarasiriwardena

    CEO, Ministry of Supply

  • Brigitte Saint-Pierre

    Director, Environmental Strategic Initiatives, Air Canada

  • Sophie Janaskie

    Carbon Strategy Manager, Commons

  • Jason Jay

    Director, MIT Sustainability Initiative

  • Phillip Goodman

    Director of Carbon Removal, Microsoft

  • Tracey Cameron

    Director, Corporate Climate Engagement, Ceres

  • Cate Hight

    Expert Partner, Bain and Company

  • Angela Chen

    Research Scientist ( Carbon Markets ), MIT Sloan Aggregate Confusion Project

  • Lauren Frisch

    Climate Trust Lead, Patch

  • Raymond Song

    Carbon Markets, Rocky Mountain Institute

  • Chris Berry

    VP & General Manager, Context Labs

  • Joanna Klitzke

    Strategy & Operations, Stripe

  • Owen Hewlett

    CTO, The Gold Standard Foundation

  • Hassan Sachedina

    CEO and Founder, Sayari Earth

  • Shashank Samala

    CEO, Heirloom Carbon

  • Adam Wolf

    CEO, Eion Carbon

  • Anu Khan

    Deputy Director of Science & Innovation, Carbon 180

  • Einar Tyssen

    CEO, Removr

  • Sarah Edwards

    Investment Director, Sustainable Investing at Cambridge Associates

  • Whitney Johnston

    Director of Ocean Sustainability, Salesforce

  • Spencer Meyer

    Head of Science, NCX

  • Maya Delaney

    MIT Sloan

  • Max Zeller

    CEO, Carbon Removal Partners

  • Chris Tolles

    CEO and Co-Founder, Yard Stick

  • Ines Serra Baucells

    CEO & Founder, Bisorra

  • Marty Odlin

    CEO, Running Tide

  • Cindy McLaughlin

    Head of Product, Carbon Built

  • Peter McHale

    CEO and Co-Founder, Gaia AI

  • Yaniv Altshuler

    CEO and Co-Founder,